Each year, the North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Center offers awards that recognize individuals and organizations whose extraordinary contributions to science, mathematics, and technology education in North Carolina are helping to advance education in NC. Categories include K-8 teacher, 9-16 teacher, informal educator, administrator, student leadership as well... read more →
Survive! Inside the Human Body is a multi- volume, educational science book series for kids, published by the imaginatively monikered No Starch Press. The series was first published in Korea, where it has sold over 20 million copies and enjoys a huge following. Not least, I assume, due to its... read more →
Dr. Holly Menninger loves to talk science. Trained as an entomologist, a scientist who studies bugs, Dr. Menninger pursued an interest communicating scientific research and education to a broad public audience. She now works as the director of public... read more →
The Mathematical Association of America's AMC 8 Competition is November 19. The AMC 8 is a 25 question, 40 minute multiple choice examination in middle school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem solving skills. The website for registration is http://www.maa.org/math-competitions/amc-8
Last Friday, News 14 Carolina visited one of the 13 schools to follow up a story on the i3 Project. More than 12,000 students across the state benefit from a specialized style of learning. It is all part of a five-year program with the Smithsonian Science Education Center. This is... read more →
Deadline: November 15, 2013. The N.C. International Science Challenge (NCISC) is a yearly science competition for high school students. Four students travel to Beijing, China to present their science research projects at the Beijing Youth Science Creation Competition. The competition requires students to undertake a research project, write an... read more →
For anyone familiar with social media, especially tools such as foursquare, where participants check into locations and receive special offers, the digital badge is a coveted item. Even media players, such as audible, have built-in gaming elements that reward listeners for the time they spend listening to audiobooks. A recent... read more →
The News & Observer recently reported that business leaders met to discuss the Common Core Standards to address the skills gap in the state. They said the Common Core State Standards are key to reversing that gap by better preparing students for success in college and the workplace. The standards,... read more →
Need help getting started on your science fair project? The NASA Jet Propulsion Lab has created a video series to help craft science fair projects and how to see it through completion. Check it out at the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab
Are you following SMTCenter on Instagram yet? See the link below for photos from science competitions and other SMT Center events. http://instagram.com/smtcenter