The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and SciLifeLab announced they are accepting applications for the Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists.
Recognizing that the economy and research are closely related, AAAS and SciLifeLab want to reward recent PhD graduates to encourage scientists to continue their research. Graduates may submit essays based on their thesis work in the categories of cell and molecular biology, ecology and environment, genomics and proteomics as well as translational medicine. The grand prize winner will receive $30,000, and the other winners from the three other categories will receive $10,000 each. The grand prize winner will also have his or her essay published in Science magazine, and the other three winners will have their essays published online.
Applications are due on August 1, 2016. More information about eligibility and how to apply can be found on the Science website.
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